Resilience Hub Tools and Resources


Thanks to support from the AAP, we were able to add resources and value to the materials we share through the Maine AAP Resilience Hub. Check out the newly created 'Embracing the Joy & Fostering Resilience, One Milestone at a Time' chart which can be shared with families. Charts for other ages are coming soon.

Organizational Support:

  • HOPE ® (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences): Dr. Sege and his team at Tuft’s Medical Center have resources and trainings to help your organization become HOPE-informed -
  • Not sure where to start? Try HOPE-informed Building Block Worksheets -

Community Resources:

Relational Health Support:

Emotional Growth Tools:

AAP Trauma Informed Care Resources:

Family Resources:

5 minute Connection Activity

Big Behaviors Got You Down? Take Care of Your Own Nervous System First

Breathing Exercises

Collection of Family Resources

Fire Truck Brain

Mindfulness Exercises

Meditation Exercises

PDF Downloadable/Printable Resource Charts:

Feelings Charts - Blank Printables: