Lead Poisoning/Exposure
Childhood Lead Poisoning Information & Guidelines for Screening are available on the Maine CDC website:
Questions on Lead testing can be directed to: Dr. Maggie Bordeau at the MCDC: Margaret.Bordeau@maine.gov.
Article: Lead Toxicity in Children An Unremitting Public Health Problem
Northern New England Poison Control
Healthy Homes
Information on home related house issues in Maine such as lead poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, mold, well-water safety, emergency preparedness, and more.
The Maine CDC provides guidance and statistics about lead paint screenings and lead paint poisoning by county.
'Maine's Immunization Information System, ImmPact, can help pediatric providers view patients' blood lead test history. ImmPact also allows pediatric providers to run reports that identify patients in need of a blood lead screening test or those in need of a follow-up test. This module in ImmPact can help your practice comply with Maine's new blood lead testing requirements to test all children at ages 1 and 2 years.
Maine CDC's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Unit will provide access to the Blood Lead Module to pediatric providers that participate in a brief online training. At least one person from your practice must take the training before we activate the Blood Lead Module.'
Effective June 27, 2019, Maine law requires blood lead tests for all children at 1 and 2 years of age. Please see below for guidelines for testing and reporting.