ACEs, Resilience & Trauma Informed Care

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as physical and emotional abuse, neglect, caregiver mental illness, racism, and community violence can cause toxic stress. Children who experience multiple ACEs have a higher risk of mental health disorders, academic problems, and long-term health effects.

AAP Section On Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: Promotes better care and outcomes for children and families affected by developmental, learning, and behavioral problems. Links to other organizations, materials and information for physicians, fellows, resident physicians and students.

How Parents and Caregivers can Help

Resilience University: Tools to help children develop emotional agility, emotional awareness, and life-long coping skills.

The Whole Child: Sponsored by PBS, this website has information for providers and parents on a wide range of developmental and behavioral concerns in both English and Spanish.

Zero to Three: ZERO TO THREE is a national non-profit organization that is devoted to the promotion of the healthy development of infants and toddlers.

Resources for Trauma-Informed Care:

AAP Pediatric Approach to Trauma, Treatment and Resilience (PATTeR) Project

AAP: Practical Strategies for Implementing Trauma-Informed Care - A new free PediaLink course

AAP Stress and Anxiety Relief Through Healthy Relationships Video: Describes relational health and how it can combat toxic stress - things like trauma, child abuse or even the long-term effects of racism.

AAP Stress and the Healing Power of Connection Video: Explains how pediatricians can support families to engage in the affiliate response to help kids feel less stressed, build resilience and recover from trauma.

AAP Trauma Toolkit for Primary Care

MaineHealth ACEs Resources

MaineHealth Pediatric ACEs Screening Toolkit