Maine AAP Mentor Program

The AAP recognizes that mentorship is critical in helping to nurture and grow future leaders and that a mentor program is a pivotal opportunity to engage new and existing members. Mentorship is one of the most important tools for professional development and is linked to greater productivity, career advancement, and professional satisfaction.

The Maine AAP’s Mentor Program provides an opportunity for members to grow professionally through skill attainment, knowledge building, and networking while strengthening relationships with professional colleagues in Maine. When most pediatricians think of mentorship, they harken back to a wise, older physician whose words of wisdom and guidance resulted in professional momentum and clarity. However, physicians in all stages of their careers benefit from mentorship, especially at times of career advancement or other transitions. Feel free to sign up as a mentor and/or a mentee, regardless of your career stage.

If you are interested in participating, please complete the short questionnaire to provide information on your education, training, subspecialty interests, practice/professional/clinical interests, and the amount of time you are willing to commit so we can facilitate finding you a mentor/mentee. We will connect interested parties and encourage you to meet virtually to establish a relationship. Once the connection is made, and a mutual decision is reached to work together, you can independently structure your own meetings. We will also offer semi-structured in-person events for mentors/mentees to meet in person and network with others in the program.