Lead Poisoning/Exposure
Childhood Lead Poisoning Information & Guidelines for Screening are available on the Maine CDC website:
Questions on Lead testing can be directed to: Dr. Maggie Bordeau at the MCDC: Margaret.Bordeau@maine.gov.
Article: Lead Toxicity in Children An Unremitting Public Health Problem
Northern New England Poison Control
Healthy Homes
Information on home related house issues in Maine such as lead poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, mold, well-water safety, emergency preparedness, and more.
What is lead, where is it found and what are the dangers of being exposed?
Lead is a toxin that can be especially harmful to children under the age of 6. Before the risk to young children was known, it was used in many products, particularly paint. Paint bought today does not contain lead, but prior to 1978 it did, making older homes potentially dangerous for young children. Lead dust from old paint is the most common way children get lead poisoning. Lead can have a very serious and permanent effect on a child’s growth and development. Exposure can cause behavioral problems, learning disabilities, speech and language delays, and cognitive decline. Seek help from your physician if you feel your child has been exposed. Test kits are available and laws are in place to protect tenants.
Lead Exposure: 9 Steps to Protect Your Family
Lead in the body can affect a child’s development, learning and behavior. Lead is a metal that is found in a lot of places. Children are most at risk because they often put their hands and objects into their mouths. Plus, their growing bodies tend to easily absorb what they eat. Although you can’t usually see lead, you can do things to prevent your child from being exposed to it. Here are 9 important steps you can take. Continue reading at HealthyChildren.org.