
Welcome to the Maine AAP's NEW Advocacy Dashboard!

The Maine AAP recognizes how critical it is to work at the state and national policy level to improve systems of care for children and adolescents.

Our Board, with input from Chapter Members, is charged with developing a legislative agenda and coordinating with other child health advocacy organizations to advance this agenda in the legislature. We keep members appraised of and alerted to important issues using the Chapter’s list-serve and E-Newsletter.

Maine legislators need to hear from YOU. Click on one of the actions or issue pages below to take action and make an impact.

Tracked Legislation

LD/LR Description MEAAP
LD42 An Act Regarding the Bind-over and Detention of Juveniles Support
LD46 An Act to Establish a Grant Program to Increase Postsecondary Educational Opportunities for Students with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder Support
LD63 An Act to Support Implementation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects Support
LD93 An Act to Reduce Cost and Increase Access to Disease Prevention by Expanding the Universal Childhood Immunization Program to Include Adults Support
LD107 An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing Support
LD155 An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools Support
LD174 An Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements Oppose
LD208 An Act to Eliminate the 72-hour Waiting Period on Firearm Purchases Oppose
LD380 An Act to Amend Certain Laws Regarding Gender-affirming Health Care Services Oppose
LD396 An Act to Provide for a Later Starting Time for High Schools Support
LD436 An Act to Prohibit State Agencies from Promoting the COVID-19 Vaccination to Children Oppose
LD436 An Act to Prohibit State Agencies from Promoting the COVID-19 Vaccination to Children Oppose
LD480 An Act to Support Healthy Weight by Providing MaineCare Coverage for Cetrain Weight Loss Medications Support Testify
LD525 An Act to Strengthen Maine Citizens' Second Amendment Rights by Allowing the Discharge of Firearms on Private Property That Is Within 500 Feet of School Property in Certain Circumstances Oppose
LD537 An Act to Prohibit the Doxing of a Minor and to Authorize a Related Civil Action Support
LD582 An Act to Require Health Insurance Carriers to Provide Coverage for Blood Testing for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Support Testify
LD625 An Act to Require Insurance Coverage for Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Medication Support
LD677 An Act to Update the Statutory Definition of "Machine Gun" and Prohibit Possession of a Rapid-fire Device Support