
Our pediatrician and child health leaders align their personal and professional interests to help Maine children and families, and to support our organization's members! If you are an active member and would like to be part of a committee, please let us know!

Some committees are community focused and have non-Maine AAP members. If committees are accepting community members, it is noted below.

ADVOCACY & LEGISLATION - Chair: Joe Anderson, DO

* Open to community participants

Advancing legislation, governmental policies and funding that align with the mission of the Maine AAP. We believe all children and adolescents deserve access to quality mental and physical health care.


Fostering leadership among our members, advancing the career of pediatric trainees and providing mentorship opportunities for learners, early-career and practicing pediatricians and pediatric health providers committed to the care of children and engaging our members in our work.

CONFERENCE/EDUCATION - Chairs: Jennifer Jewell, MD, MS & Stephanie Joy, MD

Developing quality educational programming for our members, child health professionals and for those in training. Annual conferences, webinar presentations, educational series on clinical topics and family/community education on key child health topics.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & CLIMATE CHANGE - Chairs: Abby Fleisch, MD & Erin Flynn, MD & Brian Youth, MD

The Maine AAP Environmental Health and Climate Change committee supports legislation and policy, works to educate Maine pediatric clinicians, youth, and families, and aligns with advocacy initiatives by local organizations and the National AAP on environmental health and climate change.

EXECUTIVE - Chair: Brian Youth, MD President

All officers of the Chapter are part of this leadership committee overseeing operations, finance, BOD nominations,. hiring and evaluating the Executive Staff and assuring viability of the organization.

FOSTER CARE - Chairs: Andrea Tracy, MD & Amanda Brownell, MD

* Open to community participants

Aligning with clinics and providers offering comprehensive exams to youth entering foster care, connecting with organizations across Maine who support youth and families in foster care and supporting the work of the Office of Child and Family Services.

GUN SAFETY - Chairs: Chris Turner, MD & Laura Blaisdell, MD, MPH

In collaboration with the Maine Gun Safety Coalition and other groups, this committee supports legislation and policy to increase firearm safety and works with medical providers and organizations to promote gun safety education.

HEALTHY MENTAL DEVELOPMENT - Chairs: Deborah Hagler, MD, MPH & Amy Mayhew, MD

* Open to community participants

This committee works on projects related to improving the mental health of Maine youth. They advise and help structure programs and initiatives to provide SUD treatment for Maine adolescents.

PROFESSIONAL SUSTAINABILITY - Chairs: Genevieve Whiting, MD & Mahmuda Ahmed, MED

This committee works on issues related to the sustainability of the profession of pediatrics, such as pay parity and equity, physician wellness and satisfaction, workforce recruitment and attainment.

SCHOOL HEALTH - Chair: Alyssa Goodwin, MD

* Open to community participants

Supporting pediatric providers in the school setting, offering opportunities to advance care provided in a school setting and working with statewide leadership on improving school health.

TELEHEALTH - Chair: Valerie O'Hara, DO

* Open to community participants

Aligning with opportunities to provide consultation and clinical expertise via telehealth and improving care available in rural areas of our state or where specific expertise does not exist.

Click here for a downloadable version of the Maine AAP Committee Chart